Monday, November 28, 2011

Week 16: Nov. 28 - Dec. 1

1. Animal Farm chapters 6-10 test.
2. Copy down words and definitions for vocabulary lesson 13. (We skipped 12.)
3. Optional homework: Work on extra credit project. See previous post for details.

1. Finish vocab 13 words and definitions.
2. Begin reading Antigone.
3. Optional homework: Work on extra credit project. See previous post for details.

1. Continue reading Antigone.
2. HW: Study for VQ13.
3. Optional homework: Work on extra credit project. See previous post for details.

1. Take vocabulary quiz 13.
2. Complete Antigone
3. HW: If we did not complete Antigone in class, you must do so for homework. Antigone test on Monday, December 5.
4. Optional homework: Work on extra credit project. See previous post for details.

No school!

On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we may have homework if we do not cover our daily allotment of Antigone.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Animal Farm Resources

Here are links to some Animal Farm resources, some of which you should already have. Happy Thanksgiving!

Chapters 1-10 Study Guide with vocabulary.
Animal Farm and Russian Revolution parallel key

An Animal Farm movie. Warning: I have not watched the movie, so I cannot vouch for its appropriateness or accuracy. Watch at your own risk.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Extra Credit: 9th English regular

The following is a bonus opportunity for 9th English regular. It is completely optional. Your work must be turned in by 2:20 (the tardy bell for 7th if we're on regular schedule) on December 9. I will not accept late assignments or assignments that do not meet the requirements listed below. I will grade them and replace the lowest test grade of this term with whatever score is earned--even if it is lower than the original. Do not waste your time or mine by turning in inferior work.

The Assignment

Create a model of a setting in Animal Farm. The students can use any medium--wood, shoe boxes, cardboard--as long as the model is three-dimensional. The model should be labeled in detail. The students will write a one-page explanation that coincides with the model, demonstrating that they understand not only what is happening, but why it is significant to the story.

Your explanation must meet the following requirements:

  • one full page, typed
  • double spaced
  • size 12 Times New Roman font
  • one inch margins
  • one full page

The diorama is worth 50 points. It will be graded on accuracy, aesthetics, and creativity. The one-page explanation is worth 50 points. It will be graded on accuracy and proper grammar and mechanics.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Extra Credit - 9th English Advanced

The following is a bonus opportunity for 9th English Advanced. It is completely optional. Your work must be turned in by 2:20 on December 9. I will not accept late assignments or assignments that do not meet the requirements listed below. I will grade them and replace the lowest test grade of this term with whatever score is earned--even if it is lower than the original. Do not waste your time or mine by turning in inferior work.

The Assignment
Read "Harrison Bergeron." If you do not have the copies that I made available to the class, you may go here or download the pdf here. In a well-developed essay, compare and contrast the societies in George Orwell's Animal Farm and Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron," paying special attention to how those societies handle the concepts of freedom versus equality. Your essay must meet the following requirements:
  • typed
  • double spaced
  • size 12 Times New Roman font
  • one inch margins
  • 2-3 full pages
Things to avoid:
  • Unnecessary summary. While I expect you to use specific examples from the stories, I do not want you to retell large portions of the stories themselves. Use specific details to prove your point, not to take up space.
  • "You." Avoid using "you" in the essay unless directly quoting one of the works.
Do not turn in someone else's work as your own. If you do, you will receive a zero for a test grade, and you will be reported to the Honor Council for further consequences.

Because the only works that you will quote in your essay are the two stories, it is not necessary to include citation or to have a "works cited" page. Your paper does not need a title page or a fancy folder. Just make sure that your name is on it.

Start the assignment early enough that you can ask me questions that arise. If you wait until the night before it is due, I cannot help you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 15: Novemeber 14-18

1. Take Short Story Test 2.
2. Copy words and definitions for vocabulary lesson 11, pages 67-68.
HW: Prepare for Animal Farm quiz.

1. Bell work
2. Animal Farm chapter 7 quiz.
3. Notes on Greek theater.
HW: none

1. Bell work.
2. Go over Animal Farm test 1-5.
3. Continue notes on Greek theater.

1. Bell work
2. Go over Short Story test 2.
3. Begin reading Antigone.


1. Bell work
2. Vocabulary quiz 11.
3. Continue reading Antigone

HW: Be ready for Animal Farm test on chapters 6-10 on Monday, November 24. It could include Russian history and vocabulary.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 14: November 7 - 11

1. Any students who did not take the Animal Farm chapters 3-4 quiz will take it now.
2. Go over quiz 3-4.
3. Take Animal Farm 1-5 test.
4. If any time remains, work on Time Travel Project, which is due at the end of class on Tuesday.

HW: Continue working on Time Travel Project. Students who missed Wed. - Fri. of last week will turn their projects in at the beginning of class on Thursday.

1. Bell work
2. Copy words and definitions for vocabulary lesson 10.
3. Complete Time Travel Project to be turned in at the end of class.
Students who missed Wed. - Fri. of last week will turn their projects in at the beginning of class on Thursday.

1. Bell work
2. Discuss "A Sound of Thunder."

1. Bell work
2. Take Animal Farm chapter 6 quiz.
3. Read last short story.

1. Bell work
2. Take quiz on vocabulary lesson 10.
3. Review for Monday's short story test.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

2011-2012 Hillcrest Soccer Schedule

I have updated the schedule so that it now shows up correctly.
I am hoping to add another game or two with some local teams, but I have not been able to get anything set in stone yet. Unless you hear differently from me, this is what our schedule looks like for the upcoming season.
Please note that there is a discrepancy with the schedule that I have and what Starkville Academy has posted on their website. I am trying to get that resolved.

Date Opponent Location Time
12/1 PCS Home 6:00
12/5 Starkville Home3:30
1/2 Lee Academy Away 3:00
1/5 Parklane Home 5:30
1/12 Parklane Away 5:30
1/17 Jackson Prep Home 6:00
1/20 ERA Away 4:00
1/23 Copiah Home 5:00
1/24 PCS Away 5:30
1/31 Copiah Away 5:00
2/2 Starkville Away 4:00
2/6 ERA Home 5:00
2/7 Jackson Prep Away 6:00

Week 13: October 31 - November 4

Animal Farm quiz on chapters 1 & 2.
Notes on allegory and Russian history

Begin reading "The Masque of the Red Death"
Discussion of allegory

Complete "The Masque of the Red Death"
Begin reading "A Sound of Thunder"
Look at Time Travel project

Animal Farm quiz on chapters 3 & 4
Discuss Short Story test 1
Discuss allegory in "The Masque of the Red Death"
Begin work on Time travel project

Vocabulary quiz 9
Continue working on Time Travel project (due at the end of class on Tuesday)
HW: Look over Animal Farm for chapters 1-5 test on Monday, November 7.