Friday, May 11, 2012

My Last Day

My last few days as a teacher and coach at Hillcrest Christian School were very emotional. I invested five years into the school and its students, and I had coworkers and invested in me and prayed for me constantly. 

Administration: Thank you for taking a chance on me. It meant at lot to me, and I took seriously the task you put before me. I hope you look back on that decision with happiness and contentment.

Coworkers: Your prayers and encouragement helped get me through those bad days that all teachers have.

Students: You were absolutely unforgettable. I will miss the laughter and the challenges. I am thankful to God that he allowed me to teach you.

I began work as a 25-year-old bachelor and left married with two kids. God could not have put me in a better place for those years in my life.

It seems silly that such mundane actions--cutting off the lights and closing a door--could mean so much, but they do. I will miss this school and you people dearly.

I pray that God blesses you.

--Coach Taylor

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