Sunday, February 12, 2012

Romeo and Juliet, Act 3

For those of you screaming "Help!" here are a few useful tips.
I have organized the quotations by scene. Clicking the line below will take you to the "No Fear Shakespeare" page that contains the quote. Warning: I do not control the content on "No Fear Shakespeare." Some of it may not be appropriate. Also, this is just a bonus resource; it is not guaranteed to be correct.

Remember, you are responsible for telling me why the quote is important, not just what is being said (in addition to the speaker and audience, of course). I suggest that you go through your packet while you do this, paying attention to who all is on stage when these lines are spoken.

Act 3, scene 1
"No, 'tis not so deep as a well . . ."
"Mercutio's soul . . ."
"O, I am fortune's fool!"

Act 3, scene 3
"There is no world without Verona's walls!"

Act 3, scene 4
"Monday! Ha, ha!"

Act 3, scene 5
"It was the nightingale . . ."
"Night's candles are burnt out . . ."
"Methinks I see thee . . ."
"I'll send to one in Mantua . . ."
"Indeed I never shall be satisfied . . ."
"Well, thou has comforted me marvelous much."

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