Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a restful Christmas break and you are ready to get back to work. Many students consider the 3rd 9 weeks to be the most difficult of the year because we spend the entire time studying Shakespeare. During the Shakespeare unit, students will be responsible for quite a bit of information. We will cover the life and times of Shakespeare, including important background information about several English monarchs, the beginning of English theater, and of course a complete dramatic work of Shakespeare. The 9th Advanced class will read Julius Caesar while the 9th regular classes will read Romeo and Juliet. Our 9th grade literature book contains Julius Caesar. I will make a class set of copies of Romeo and Juliet for our 9th regular classes. I plan to cover the plays in their entirety in class, but students must be prepared to work at home as well.
This 9-week period is often the "make or break" time for many students. Lack of attention and effort during this unit can easily be the difference between an A or B, or, in some cases, passing and failing for the year. Shakespeare can be difficult, but those who put in the time and effort will be rewarded. I will give more detailed information as we move further along in our study.
In class:
1. Copy words and definitions from vocabulary lesson 16, pages 101-102, for Friday's quiz.
2. PSAT information from Mrs. Westerfield
3. Read "Shakespeare of London" and answers questions.
HW: Complete Shakespeare of London.
In class:
1. Complete vocabulary words and definitions if needed. Quiz on Friday.
2. Watch "Life and Death in Britain's Theaters" and complete the accompanying handout.
HW: Study for vocabulary quiz.
1. Begin "Famous Authors: William Shakespeare" and work on the accompanying handout.
2. Take notes on British monarchy leading up to and during Shakespeare's life
HW: Study for vocabulary quiz.
1. Complete"Famous Authors: William Shakespeare" and complete the accompanying handout.
2. Continue taking notes on British monarchy leading up to and during Shakespeare's life
HW: Study for vocabulary quiz.
1. Vocabulary quiz on lesson 16.
2. Finish any background notes that are necessary.
3. Begin "Costume Cavalcade" time permitting.
HW: Begin thinking about this semester's AR book if you have not done so already.
*Slight changes to the 9th grade AR policy will be discussed with students this week and posted to this blog soon.
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