1. Bell work
2. Copy words and definitions from vocabulary lesson 17. Quiz on Friday.
3. Complete notes on historical background of the Elizabethan period.
4. Time permitting, begin watching "Costume Cavalcade" video and filling out accompanying handout.
HW: Study for Friday's vocabulary quiz. Also, this is a great time to read one of your AR books, since we are not in the middle of other literature at the moment.
1. Bell work
2. "Costume Cavalcade" with handout
HW: Study for Friday's vocabulary quiz. Read your AR books!
1. Bell work
2. "Costume Cavalcade" with handout
HW: Study for Friday's vocabulary quiz. AR!
1. Bell work
2. Info about Shakespearean language
3. Pun Practice
HW: Study for tomorrow's vocabulary quiz.
1. Bell work
2. Vocabulary quiz 17
3. Review for Life and Times test.
HW: Study for test on Shakespeare's Life and Times
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